Visualizing Quantities & Events Over Time

From Analysis to Communication, For Displays Both Large & Small

Matthew Brehmer · InfoVis + HCI Researcher ·

Presentation at Chatham Labs 2019-04-25 · slides:


· My background, methods, & inspiration

· A time series visualization client project

· Expressive information design with timelines

· Visualizing time-oriented data on mobile devices

· Current research interests

My Background

2016 - 2019: Postdoctoral Researcher specializing in InfoVis + HCI, Microsoft Research

2011 - 2016: PhD Computer Science specializing in Information Visualization, UBC

2009 - 2011: MSc Computer Science specializing in Human-Computer Interaction, UBC

2004 - 2009: Bachelor of Computing specializing in Cognitive Science, Queen's Univ.

Scope of My PhD & Postdoc Research

Visualization task analysis:
· A Typology of Abstract Visualization Tasks - TVCG 13 | Visualizing Dimensionally-Reduced Data - BELIV 14

Evaluating visualization (tools):
· Data-Driven Stories - DDS 18 | Visualization Authoring Systems - BELIV 18 | Variants of Multi-Series Bar Charts - CHI 18 |
· Overview: A Document Mining Tool for Journalists - TVCG 14 | Pre-Design Empiricism for Visualization - BELIV 14

Time series visualization:
· Workflows for Energy Portfolio Analysis - TVCG 16

Considerations & tools for expressive information design:
· Timeline Storyteller - C+J 19 | DataToon - CHI 19 | Charticulator - TVCG 19 | ChartAccent - PVIS 17 | Timelines Revisited - TVCG 17 | TimeLineCurator - TVCG 16

Visualizing time-oriented data on mobile devices:
· Ranges Over Time - TVCG 19 | Animation vs. Small Multiples - in review | Novel Interactions with Time-Oriented Data on Mobile Devices - in preparation

Scope of My PhD & Postdoc Research

Visualization task analysis:
· A Typology of Abstract Visualization Tasks - TVCG 13 | Visualizing Dimensionally-Reduced Data - BELIV 14

Evaluating visualization (tools):
· Data-Driven Stories - DDS 18 | Visualization Authoring Systems - BELIV 18 | Variants of Multi-Series Bar Charts - CHI 18 |
· Overview: A Document Mining Tool for Journalists - TVCG 14 | Pre-Design Empiricism for Visualization - BELIV 14

Time series visualization:
· Workflows for Energy Portfolio Analysis - TVCG 16

Considerations & tools for expressive information design:
· Timeline Storyteller - C+J 19 | DataToon - CHI 19 | Charticulator - TVCG 19 | ChartAccent - PVIS 17 | Timelines Revisited - TVCG 17 | TimeLineCurator - TVCG 16

Visualizing time-oriented data on mobile devices:
· Ranges Over Time - TVCG 19 | Animation vs. Small Multiples - in review | Novel Interactions with Time-Oriented Data on Mobile Devices - in preparation

Design & Research Methods

Design & Implementation:

· User interface design | Visualization design & development

Qualitative Research:

· Visualization design studies (client projects) | Requirements analysis | Retrospective interviews
· Chauffeured demos | Think-aloud protocols | Post-deployment usage analysis

Quantitative Research:

· Laboratory experiments | Crowdsourced experiments | Statistical analysis

Visualization Task Analysis

A Multi-Level Typology of Abstract Visualization Tasks. Brehmer and Munzner.
In IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis 2013).
Icons by Eamonn Maguire (cc by) for Munzner's Visualization Analysis & Design (CRC Press, 2014).

Visualization Task Analysis

A Multi-Level Typology of Abstract Visualization Tasks. Brehmer and Munzner.
In IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis 2013).

The most cited IEEE InfoVis paper since 2013, with more than 300 citations*.

* Google Scholar, Apr 2019.

Icons by Eamonn Maguire (cc by) for Munzner's Visualization Analysis & Design (CRC Press, 2014).

Goal: Enabling Information Visualization

How can I enable people to visualize their data in context-appropriate ways?

From public presentation via large displays to individual consumption via mobile displays.

Applications of visualization beyond those in professional data analysis.

Inspiration: Connecting Research & Practice

Disseminating visualization research into practice, and vice versa.

Promoting and studying the adoption of deployed visualization tools and research prototypes.

Collecting examples of visualization design by practitioners (e.g., news graphics designers).

Fostering a dialogue between researchers and practitioners (e.g., OpenVisConf, VisInPractice)*.
* OpenVisConf: | VisInPractice event at IEEE VIS: .


· My background, methods, & inspiration

· A time series visualization client project - TVCG 16

· Expressive information design with timelines

· Visualizing time-oriented data on mobile devices

· Current research interests

Energy Usage in Building Portfolios

Matches, Mismatches, and Methods: Multiple-View Workflows for Energy Portfolio Analysis.
Brehmer, Ng, Tate, and Munzner. In IEEE TVCG 2016 (InfoVis 2015).

Given a portfolio of buildings (e.g., a university campus, a hotel / restaurant chain):

· Summarize energy usage patterns across the portfolio,

· Drill Down from the portfolio to a subset of buildings,

· Identify anomalies and buildings in need of energy-saving interventions,

· Compare buildings to one another, or before / after events & interventions,

Reduce energy consumption and save money.

Our Partner Company's Existing Tool

Little support for summarizing energy usage across a portfolio (no overview).

Clients did not trust / understand predictions and could not easily make comparisons.

Clients were using tool's export feature to do their own analysis in Excel.

Evaluating Alternative Design Choices

Many design choices considered (e.g., faceted boxplots, bar + bump plots, stacked area charts, faceted line graphs, calendar tile matrix, ...).

Established conventions in energy management limited the use of bar charts and line graphs.

However, clients were unfamiliar with alternative design choices.

Chauffeured Sandbox Demos with Clients

Built a web-based sandbox visualization tool (incl. aggregation, filtering, & normalization).

Conducted chauffeured demos with clients with their own portfolio data.

Identified multiple-view workflows (juxtaposition, sequencing) that addressed clients' tasks.

Results: Realization in Partner's Software

Based on my research with clients, the partner company incorporated my designs into their tool.

Juxtaposing unfamiliar choices (tile matrix and boxplots) superior to either in isolation.

Drill-down from tile matrix to faceted bar charts and line graphs respected domain conventions.

Results: Realization in Partner's Software

Matches, Mismatches, and Methods: Multiple-View Workflows for Energy Portfolio Analysis.
Brehmer, Ng, Tate, and Munzner. In IEEE TVCG 2016 (InfoVis 2015).

Segue: From Time Series to Timelines

· From PhD to postdoctoral research,


· From quantities to events over time,

· From analysis to communication.


· My background, methods, & inspiration

· A time series visualization client project

· Expressive information design with timelines - TVCG 17, C+J 19

· Visualizing time-oriented data on mobile devices

· Current research interests

The Daily Routines of Famous Creative People

Story inspired by infographics by Podio and info we trust (RJ Andrews).
Data source: Daily Rituals: How Artists Work by Mason Currey (2013)

Expressive Information Design with Timelines

Timeline Storyteller: The Design & Deployment of an Interactive Authoring Tool for
Expressive Timeline Narratives
Brehmer, Lee, Henry Riche, Tittsworth, Lytvynets, Edge, and White. In Proc. Comp. + Journalism 2019. |

Timelines Revisited

Timelines Revisited: A Design Space and Considerations for Expressive Storytelling.
Brehmer, Lee, Bach, Henry Riche, and Munzner. In IEEE TVCG (presented at InfoVis 2017).

Timelines are visual representations of categorical event sequences.

How have people drawn timelines over the course of history?

The visualization research community has focused on their use in data analysis.

How have practitioners used them for storytelling?

... A survey of 250+ timelines and timeline tools.

A Timeline Design Space

Timelines Revisited: A Design Space and Considerations for Expressive Storytelling.
Brehmer, Lee, Bach, Henry Riche, and Munzner. In IEEE TVCG (presented at InfoVis 2017).

Linear Radial Spiral Calendar Curve
Chronological Relative Logarithmic Sequential Collapsed
Unified Faceted Segmented

Considerations for Storytelling with Timelines

Timelines Revisited: A Design Space and Considerations for Expressive Storytelling.
Brehmer, Lee, Bach, Henry Riche, and Munzner. In IEEE TVCG (presented at InfoVis 2017).

Different combinations of representation, time scale, and layout serve different communicative tasks.

Anticipate chronological or non-chronological narratives.

Incrementally reveal visual elements, selectively highlighting and annotating to direct attention.

These considerations led to the development of Timeline Storyteller.

The Authoring Interface of Timeline Storyteller

Web version imports CSV, JSON, GSheet. Power BI version imports various data formats.
Web version exports PNG, SVG, GIF, JSON spec. Power BI version exports PBIX, iFrame.

The Impact of Timeline Storyteller

Demo by a customer during the opening keynote of the 2017 Data Insights Summit

Demos / talks at Tapestry, OpenVisConf, the Dublin Data Summit, and the Future of Storytelling.

A storytelling contest with the Power BI community (via the Microsoft Data Journalism Team).

Over 36,000 downloads of the Power BI version as of end of 2018.

Timeline Storyteller: Conclusions & Opportunities

Timeline Storyteller: The Design & Deployment of an Interactive Authoring Tool for
Expressive Timeline Narratives
Brehmer, Lee, Henry Riche, Tittsworth, Lytvynets, Edge, and White. In Proc. Comp. + Journalism 2019.

No prior interactive tools for presenting expressive timeline narratives.

The first to incorporate multi-scene stories with multiple visual representation choices.

Incrementally reveal + transform; selectively highlight + annotate; applicable to other data types.

Future Work: Recommend design choices and annotations based on properties of the dataset.


· My background, methods, & inspiration

· A time series visualization client project

· Expressive information design with timelines

· Visualizing time-oriented data on mobile devices - TVCG 19

· Current research interests

Experiment 1: Ranges over Time on Mobile Phones

Visualizing Ranges over Time on Mobile Phones: A Task-Based Crowdsourced Evaluation.
Brehmer, Lee, Isenberg, and Choe. In IEEE TVCG 2019 (InfoVis 2018).
Ranges in Sleep Tracking Apps
Apps: Azumio Sleep Time © · Garmin Connect © · Bedtime (iOS Clock) ©.
Ranges in Weather Apps
Apps: Dark Sky © · Weathertron © · Weather Line ©.
Ranges and Radial Representations
Image: Weather Radials (by Timm Kekeritz) ©.
Images: by Sebastian Sadowski, 2018.

A Crowdsourced Experiment on Mobile Phones

The first crowdsourced visualization evaluation study performed exclusively on phones. Image: newkemall (flickr, cc by).

Thinking Systematically About Tasks

Tasks derived from:

A Multi-Level Typology of Abstract Visualization Tasks.
Brehmer and Munzner. In IEEE TVCG (InfoVis 2013):

· Locate Dates

· Identify Values

· Locate Extreme Values

· Compare Values

· Compare Ranges

Dependent Measures

For each trial:

Trial completion time

Response accuracy

At each level of granularity:

Preference: Linear or Radial

Confidence: Low to High


Temperature (N = 40), Sleep (N = 47)

84 trials per participant, using their own phone.

Radial or Linear?

Detailed statistics are provided in:
Visualizing Ranges over Time on Mobile Phones: A Task-Based Crowdsourced Evaluation.
Brehmer, Lee, Isenberg, and Choe. In IEEE TVCG 2019 (InfoVis 2018).

People are, in general, slower with radial representations.

Accuracy appears to be data- and task-dependent:

e.g., less accurate with radial when identifying and locating values in absence of seasonal variation.

People prefer and are more confident with linear representations.

Week vs. Month vs. Year

Detailed statistics are provided in:
Visualizing Ranges over Time on Mobile Phones: A Task-Based Crowdsourced Evaluation.
Brehmer, Lee, Isenberg, and Choe. In IEEE TVCG 2019 (InfoVis 2018).

People are typically slower with a month than with a week of ranges.

For some tasks, people were less accurate with a month than with a year.

e.g., seasonal variation in annual temperature appears to be beneficial for locating extreme values.

Temperature (L) and Sleep (R) don't follow monthly cycles.

Ranges Over Time on Mobile Phones: Conclusions

Is a cycle meaningful in the context of the data?

Does the task involve locating values? Or comparing them?

Is efficiency important?

Locating values quickly? → Choose Linear.

Comparing values (and unconcerned with speed)? → Choose Radial or Linear. | (mobile only) experimental app. | open source app and analysis.

Experiment 2: Animation vs. Small Multiples

A Comparative Eval. of Animation & Small Multiples for Trend Visualization on Mobile Phones.
M. Brehmer, B. Lee, P. Isenberg, and E. K. Choe. (InfoVis 2019 Submission).

Highlights: Animation or Small Multiples?

Results question the "small multiples on the desktop, animation on the phone" design pattern.

Surprisingly, small multiples are still viable on small displays.

They may be particularly well suited for distance and angle comparisons.

Animation and small multiples are comparably accurate in many cases.

Animation may be preferable for cases of outlier trajectories and reversals. | (mobile only) experimental app. | open source app and analysis.


· My background, methods, & inspiration

· A time series visualization client project

· Expressive information design with timelines

· Visualizing time-oriented data on mobile devices

· Current research interests

Opportunities for Expressive Information Design

New input modalities for expressive information design, annotation, and presentation.

Pen + Touch Interaction for Authoring Data Comics

DataToon: Drawing Dynamic Network Comics With Pen + Touch Interaction.
Kim, Henry Riche, Bach, Xu, Brehmer, Hinckley, Pahud, Xia, McGuffin, and Pfister. In Proc. CHI 2019.

Expressive Timeline Design with Pen + Touch Input

Images L to R: narrative diagram by Kurt Vonnegut, "board game"-like timeline by Matthew Lee, timeline by Mark Twain, Vonnegut drawing a narrative, a curve timeline in Timeline Storyteller.

Goal: Enabling Information Visualization

How can I enable people to visualize their data in context-appropriate ways?

From public presentation via large displays to individual consumption via mobile displays.

Applications of visualization beyond those in professional data analysis.

Visualizing Quantities & Events Over Time

From Analysis to Communication, For Displays Both Large & Small

Matthew Brehmer · InfoVis + HCI Researcher · | slides
Presentation at Chatham Labs 2019-04-25