ChartAccent (2016) |
Timeline Storyteller (2017)
Charticulator (2018) |
DataToon (2019)
Timeline Storyteller: The Design & Deployment of an
Interactive Authoring Tool for Expressive Timeline Narratives. Brehmer, Lee, Henry Riche, Tittsworth, Lytvynets, Edge, and White.
In Proceedings of the 2019 Computation + Journalism Symposium. |
The Daily Routines of Famous Creative People
Story inspired by infographics by Podio and info we trust
(RJ Andrews).
Data source: Daily Rituals: How Artists Work by
Mason Currey
(2013)Timelines Revisited: A Design Space & Considerations for
Expressive Storytelling. Brehmer, Lee, Bach, Henry Riche,
and Munzner. In IEEE Trans. Visualization & Computer Graphics, 2017.
Timelines are visual representations of categorical event sequences.
How have people drawn timelines over the course of history?
... A survey of 250+ timelines and timeline tools.
timelinesrevisited.github.ioTimelines Revisited: A Design Space & Considerations for
Expressive Storytelling. Brehmer, Lee, Bach, Henry Riche,
and Munzner. In IEEE Trans. Visualization & Computer Graphics, 2017.
Representation Scale Layout
Different combinations of representation, scale, & layout
serve different communicative goals.
Anticipate chronological or non-chronological narratives.
Incrementally reveal, selectively highlight & annotate to direct attention. | interactive tool for the browser or Power BI
ChartAccent (2016) |
Timeline Storyteller (2017) Charticulator (2018) |
DataToon (2019)
Charticulator: Interactive
Construction of Bespoke Chart Layouts.
Ren, Lee, and Brehmer. In IEEE Trans. Visualization & Computer Graphics, 2019.
Honorable Mention for Best Paper at IEEE InfoVis 2018.
ChartAccent (2016) |
Timeline Storyteller (2017) Charticulator (2018) |
DataToon (2019)
DataToon: Drawing Dynamic Network
Comics With Pen + Touch Interaction.
Kim, Riche, Bach, Xu, Brehmer, Hinckley, Pahud, Xia, McGuffin, & Pfister.
In Proceedings of the 2019 ACM CHI Conference. on the Evaluation of
Visualization Authoring Systems.
Ren, Lee, Brehmer, & Henry Riche. In Proceedings of the 2018 BELIV Workshop
(Evaluation & Beyond).
Typical evaluation metrics (time, error) are not very relevant.
Post-deployment content analysis and chart reproduction studies.