Crowdsourced Evaluation for Mobile Vis

Matthew Brehmer · · @mattbrehmer / talks / dagstuhl19292

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Tutorial at Dagstuhl Seminar #19292: Mobile Data Visualization, 2019-07-17

Tutorial Outline

· Context for this tutorial

· Building mobile-only web apps for visualization experiments

· Recruiting, piloting, and onboarding crowd workers

· Improving compliance and response quality

· Other resources

· Prospects for the future

Tutorial Outline

· Context for this tutorial

· Building mobile-only web apps for visualization experiments

· Recruiting, piloting, and onboarding crowd workers

· Improving compliance and response quality

· Other resources

· Prospects for the future

Context for this Tutorial

Visualizing Ranges over Time on Mobile Phones: A Task-Based Crowdsourced Evaluation.
M. Brehmer, B. Lee, P. Isenberg, and E. K. Choe. In IEEE TVCG 2019 (Proc. InfoVis 2018).

The first crowdsourced visualization evaluation study performed exclusively on phones. | (mobile only) experimental app. (paper) |

Context for this Tutorial (cont.)

A Comparative Eval. of Animation & Small Multiples for Trend Visualization on Mobile Phones.
M. Brehmer, B. Lee, P. Isenberg, and E. K. Choe. To appear in IEEE TVCG (Proc. InfoVis 2019).
A crowdsourced visualization evaluation study performed exclusively on phones. | (mobile only) experimental app. (paper) |

Tutorial Outline

· Context for this tutorial

· Building mobile-only web apps for visualization experiments

· Recruiting, piloting, and onboarding crowd workers

· Improving compliance and response quality

· Other resources

· Prospects for the future

Creating Mobile Vis Experiences

Everything Except the Chart: Responsiveness + Mobile Support.
D. Baur & M. Stefaner. IEEE VIS 2018 Tutorial.

Techniques for Data Visualization on both Mobile & Desktop.
N. Bremer. Visual Cinnamon, April 2019.

Effectiveness & Efficiency: Data Visualization for Small Screens.
J. Camões. European Comm. Conf. New Techniques & Technologies for Statistics, 2019. (8h36m - 8h55m)

Building Responsive Data Visualization for the Web.
B. Hinderman. Wiley, 2016.

Mobile-Only Vis Experimental Apps

· Ensuring mobile-only

· Aiming for consistency across Mobile OS, browser apps

· Handling orientation changes

· Handling interruptions

· Handling touch events

· Trial interaction design

· Compartmentalizing the app

· Logging participant activity + metadata

Check Your Head

							< head >
								< meta name="HandheldFriendly" 
									content="true" />
								< meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" 
									content="yes" />
								< meta name="mobile-web-app-capable" 
									content="yes" />
								< meta name="viewport" 
									user-scalable=no" />
							< /head>

In non-experimental settings, set user-scalable to yes for accessibility.

CSS Media Queries

							@media only screen
							and (min-device-width: 320px)
							and (max-device-width: 1440px)
							and (max-device-height: 1440px)
							and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2)
							and (orientation: portrait) {

							@media only screen
							and (orientation: landscape) {

							@media only screen
							and (min-device-width: 1440px) {

Most contemporary smartphones have device pixel ratios > 2.

Handling Orientation (Change)

Ensure desired phone orientation (portrait / landscape)

							window.addEventListener('load', function() {
							 // respond to loading in undesirable orientation

							window.onresize = function(e) {
							 // respond to rotation to undesirable orientation

Handling Interruptions & Resumptions

e.g., the participant switches apps, responds to a notification, etc.

							window.onblur = function(e) {
							 // respond to interruption (e.g., log + discard trial)

							window.onfocus = function(e) {
							 // respond to resumption

Handling Touch Events
							.on('touchstart', function() {

							 // respond to touch event


Also: touchmove, touchend

Project Structure Example: MobileTrendVis

						app.js // node application requiring express,, ...
						participantList.js // for server-side condition allocation
						 globals.js // global variables
						 index.js // app initialization
						 dataset.js // stimuli data (UN economic metrics)
						 chart.js // the visualization stimuli
						 taskList.js // experimental task specifications
						 initTasks.js // allocate tasks and conditions to participant
						 trial.js // specifying the logic of a single trial
						 main.js // output from webpack
						 assets // folder of images, icons, etc.

Interaction Design: RangesOnMobile

Interaction Design: MobileTrendVis

Logging Activity w/ AppInsights

						trial = {
						 user_id: userID,
						 trial_index: trial_index,
						 condition: trial_condition,
						 accuracy: 0,
						 start_time: 0,
						 interruptions: 0,
						 interruption_time: 0,
						 end_time: 0,
						 completion_time: 0,
						 give_up: false,

						appInsights.trackEvent("TrialComplete", trial);

Application Insights custom event logging also includes client metadata in the tail of each log event (e.g., device, browser, approximate location).

Logging Participant Metadata

						> colnames(p_metadata.df)
						[1] "user_id" "load_time" "completion_time" "duration"
						[5] "client_Model" "client_OS" "client_Reg" "client_Browser"
						[9] "condition" "ordering" "Height" "Width"
						[13] "chart_dim" "excluded"
						> levels(p_metadata.df$client_OS) # MobileTrendVis
						[1] "Android" 
						    "Android 4.3" 
						    "Android 5.0" 
						    "Android 5.1" 
						    "Android 6.0" 
						    "Android 7.0" 
						    "Android 7.1"
						[8] "Android 8.0" 
						    "Android 8.1" 
						    "iOS 10.3" 
						    "iOS 11.4" 
						    "iOS 12.0" 
						    "iOS 12.1"

Logging Participant Metadata (Cont.)

						> levels(p_metadata.df$client_Browser) # MobileTrendVis
						[1] "Chrome Mobile 51.0" 
						    "Chrome Mobile 56.0" 
						    "Chrome Mobile 59.0" 
						    "Chrome Mobile 67.0"
						[5] "Chrome Mobile 68.0" 
						    "Chrome Mobile 69.0" 
						    "Chrome Mobile 70.0" 
						    "Chrome Mobile 71.0"
						[9] "Chrome Mobile iOS 68.0" 
						    "Chrome Mobile iOS 70.0" 
						    "Chrome Mobile iOS 71.0" 
						    "Facebook 193.0"
						[13] "Firefox iOS 13.2" 
						     "Firefox Mobile 63.0" 
						     "Mobile Safari 10.0" 
						     "Mobile Safari 11.0"
						[17] "Mobile Safari 12.0" 
						     "Samsung Internet 7.4"

Logging Participant Metadata (Cont.)

							> summary(participant_metadata.df$Height)# MobileTrendVis
							Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
							452.0 549.2 560.0 587.0 620.5 822.0
							> summary(participant_metadata.df$Width)# MobileTrendVis
							Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
							320.0 360.0 375.0 378.6 412.0 414.0

Tutorial Outline

· Context for this tutorial

· Building mobile-only web apps for visualization experiments

· Recruiting, piloting, and onboarding crowd workers

· Improving compliance and response quality

· Other resources

· Prospects for the future

Recruiting + Piloting

Ranges Over Time experiment (InfoVis 2018):

· 13 colleagues in pilot experiment #1, local & remote
· 12 crowdsourced participants (MTurk) in pilot experiment #2
· 100 crowdsourced participants (MTurk) in final experiment (13 excluded)
· 125 participants (total)

Mobile Trend Vis experiment (InfoVis 2019):

· 20 colleagues in pilot experiment #1, local & remote
· 16 crowdsourced participants (MTurk) in pilot experiment #2
· 16 crowdsourced participants (MTurk) in pilot experiment #3 (improved quality control, added trial time-out)
· 113 crowdsourced participants (MTurk) in final experiment (17 excluded)
· 165 participants (total)

Repeating & Staging the Consent Process

Onboarding: Tutorial + Training (Video)

Tutorial Outline

· Context for this tutorial

· Building mobile-only web apps for visualization experiments

· Recruiting, piloting, and onboarding crowd workers

· Improving compliance and response quality

· Other resources

· Prospects for the future

Assigning & Balancing Conditions

							socket.on('userID', function(msg) { // new participant
							 if (participantList.length > 0) { 
							  // move next participant to progressList
							  // participantList contains condition assignments

							 else if (completedList.length > 0) { 
							  // add extra participant considering completedList
							  // and its participants' condition assignments

							 else if (progressList.length > 0) { 
							  // add extra participant when no one has finished yet

							 else { 
							  // this shouldn't ever happen, but if it does, randomize

Quality Control Trials

Extremely simple task among shuffled test tasks; if incorrect, exclude participant from analysis.

Compliance & Quality Control Measures

· Onboarding tutorial

· Training trials with correctness feedback

· Unlimited attempts at training trials; hints shown after 3 failed attempts

· Quality control trials inserted among test trials (exclude incorrect participants from analysis)

· Flag excessively long trials (exclude these from analysis)

· Timeouts on all trials; option to 'Give Up' or 'Continue'

· Metadata log screening: device, OS, browser, location, ...

Tutorial Outline

· Context for this tutorial

· Building mobile-only web apps for visualization experiments

· Recruiting, piloting, and onboarding crowd workers

· Improving compliance and response quality

· Other resources

· Prospects for the future

Another Recent Experiment

Evaluating Pan and Zoom Timelines and Sliders.
M. Schwab, S. Hao, O. Vitek, J. Tompkin, J. Huang, & M. A. Borkin. In Proc. ACM CHI 2019.

A crowdsourced visualization evaluation study performed on both PCs and phones. |

Crowdsourcing for InfoVis (in General)

Information Visualization Evaluation using Crowdsourcing.
R. Borgo, L. Micallef, B. Bach, F. McGee, & B. Lee.
In Computer Graphics Forum (EuroVis 2018 State-of-the-Art Reports).

Crowdsourcing for Information Visualization: Promises and Pitfalls.
R. Borgo, B. Lee, B. Bach, S. Fabrikant, R. Jianu, A. Kerren, S. Kobourov, F. McGee, L. Micallef, T. Landesberger, K. Ballweg, S. Diehl, P. Simonetto, & M. Zhou.
In Evaluation in the Crowd. Crowdsourcing and Human-Centered Experiments (2017),
Springer (D. Archambault, H. Purchase, and T. Hossfeld, eds).

Crowdsourcing Graphical Perception: Using Mechanical Turk to Assess Visualization Design.
J. Heer & M. Bostock. In Proc. ACM CHI 2010.

Creating Mobile Vis Experiences (Encore)

Everything Except the Chart: Responsiveness + Mobile Support.
D. Baur & M. Stefaner. IEEE VIS 2018 Tutorial.

Techniques for Data Visualization on both Mobile & Desktop.
N. Bremer. Visual Cinnamon, April 2019.

Effectiveness & Efficiency: Data Visualization for Small Screens.
J. Camões. European Comm. Conf. New Techniques & Technologies for Statistics, 2019. (8h36m - 8h55m)

Building Responsive Data Visualization for the Web.
B. Hinderman. Wiley, 2016.

Tutorial Outline

· Context for this tutorial

· Building mobile-only web apps for visualization experiments

· Recruiting, piloting, and onboarding crowd workers

· Improving compliance and response quality

· Other resources

· Prospects for the future

An Open-Source Framework for Crowdsourced Mobile Visualization Experiments

RangesOnMobile, MobileTrendVis experimental applications share common infrastructure:

· Node.js web application deployed on Azure
· Custom event logging with Azure Application Insights
· CSS media queries to enforce mobile-only
· Sever-side condition assignment & re-balancing
· Handlers for orientation changes & interruptions

Application developer to focus on:

· Isolated chart component
· Defining trial logic
· Trial bank initialization

Mobile-only alternative (or extension of) the experimentr framework?

experimentr. L. Harrison, C. Gramazio, F. Yang, K. Aragam, E. Peck, and D. Schroeder (2019).

Improved Sensing + Logging

· Using the camera and/or microphone to gauge distraction level

· Using the ambient light sensor to detect excessive glare

· Assessing the WiFi connection quality

· Using the device accelerometer to identify excessive movement

Ideas for Future Mobile Vis Experiments

· Comparing interaction design choices; extending Schwab et al (CHI 2019)

· e.g., Scrolling vs. swiping for staged animated visualization

· Replicating / extending Heer + Bostock on mobile devices (CHI 2010)

· Comparing small multiple glyph designs (e.g., calendar-based visualizations)

· Comparing small multiple time series designs; extending Javed et al (InfoVis 2010)

Tutorial Outline

· Context for this tutorial

· Building mobile-only web apps for visualization experiments

· Recruiting, piloting, and onboarding crowd workers

· Improving compliance and response quality

· Other resources

· Prospects for the future

Crowdsourced Evaluation for Mobile Vis

Matthew Brehmer · · @mattbrehmer / talks / dagstuhl19292 |

Tutorial at Dagstuhl Seminar #19292: Mobile Data Visualization, 2019-07-17